Don't worry, Be Happy

 Gilda Radner wrote an introductory story of a harrowing dilemma for a young woman in her book "It's Always Something" about her battle with ovarian cancer.  I do not remember it precisely, but here is its essence:

A young lady attracts the attention of a pack of wolves and they chase her.  The wolves gain ground on her as she runs frantically, looking back in terror as they gain on her. 

 Then she trips!

But, the wolves don't pounce upon her, for she has fallen over a ledge.  In panic, she grabs a branch sticking out of the cliff face.  Looking above, she sees the wolves waiting.  Looking below, she sees a fatal fall.  

But, looking straight ahead, she sees ... a patch of wild strawberries. Picking one with her free hand, she tastes it. 

And she marvels.  How sweet!

This story was Gilda's guide on how to deal with the inevitable wolves we all face, the seemingly impossible dilemmas of the impending death in our future and the inability to return to our past.  The situation is so grim, how can we possibly deal with it?

By focusing upon the present and letting the past and the future take care of themselves.  There is joy to be found in the moment!  The sweet strawberries of experience are found in the least likely of places.  All that is required is reaching out and actually tasting them!

Please check out my other blog mates' takes on the same topic brought to us by Ramana at their blogs: PadmumRajuRamanaSanjana and Shackman!


  1. Also like the serenity prayer which I noted while doing the history of the line Don't worry be happy

    1. Kind of nice that Ramana lightened it up for a week.

    2. I thought he threw us a curve since the song title came from a spiritual master from Pune

  2. Lovely analogy and conclusion on being in the present. Coming to the curve Shackman talks about, the inspiration for the topic actually came from the video of Gaur Gopal Das someone sent to me on WhatsApp.

    1. I did not know of the connection, but it is a delight to know it now!

  3. I love strawberries...i think i am like Gilda...or have become like the now!

    1. From what you have communicated to me on the side I think this is very true of you!

  4. Another thing that I read was
    When an elder passes is your past that you mourn for.
    When a peer goes, it is the present that you grieve for.
    When a younger person dies...that is got wrenching because...there goes the future!!


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