Living in the Now

Living in the now is to relate what I am experiencing.  Now.  My outer experience is constrained by circumstances.  I have a 70-year old body that is vulnerable to the current environmental conditions with smoke in the air and a pandemic.  My psychological environment is challenged by an unhinged national leader becoming more desperate and extreme.  I feel concern and empathy for my daughter who is experiencing difficult physical distress.

What is the state of my psyche?  Surprisingly good.  As my outer world contracts, my inner experience expands.  I am finding time and motivation for inner exploration. I am thinking, but something much richer than thinking.  Likewise, I am experiencing more than simple feeling and emotion.  There are subtle shifts I am experiencing that would be drowned out by busy external activity.  Not thought, not emotion, hard to put words to.  It's like the background of my being. It has its own expression, not fixed and static.

I am exploring my source.

And now my wife asks me to drive down and pick up groceries in the Safeway parking lot.  I am ready. Nice to get out.

Please check out my other blog mates' takes on the same topic brought to us by Raju at their blogs: 


  1. Hard to ignore the now these days - i jumped on it early days in Colorado

    1. Sports competition teachers a young person a lot about the now!

  2. Vedic culture promotes meditation...that helps to focus on the NOW...well...we can't do anything else right now can we.
    You really seem to be going through a great deal...prayers for strength for all of you.

  3. You seem to have adopted an admirable attitude. Well written and the transition from deeper matters to the mundane (shopping for this and that) is smooth; both in your life and in your writing.

    1. It was, honestly, a steam of consciousness representation of how I'm living now. Thank you for the support and compliment.

  4. When you think about it, none of us really have a choice in the matter. Circumstances force us to live in the now if we have to stay sane.

  5. We have to take each moment as it comes. That's it.


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