Letter to Santa.. what I want this Xmas!


Dear Santa,

This year, I don't need or want any toys.  I know it sounds corny, but I kind of want peace around the world more than toys, I hope that is OK.  I have a list in order that I am hoping you can bring me for the next year:

  • A return to health for my daughter.  I think that is all she will need, she will do the rest.
  • A government that helps Americans and other people in the world.  I think we are about to get a new President, but, if we don't, you may as well just forget the rest of these wishes.
  • A return to efforts to mitigate climate change.  The sooner you can get that here, the better.
  • Peace with justice for people.  And give an extra helping to oppressed people.  You know who they are.
  • Feed poor people and get health care for them.  While you are at it, see if you can bring a little understanding of their needs to rich people.
  • A new vaccine for Covid-19 that works.  And could you bring a little wisdom for the people who don't understand things like masks and social distancing.  As I send you this letter, it is only 5:45PM and we already have just under 114,000 new Covid-19 diagnoses in America and 1,147 Americans have died so far today from it.  Help their families, because they will need a lot of care.
  • The truth.  If you have extra in your sleigh, we could really use some extra.  Maybe some lie repellant, too.  Oh, and if there are any vaccinations that help people trust evidence, that would really be great.
I mean, I could go on Santa, but you know who has been naughty and who's been nice.  If you could kick a couple of naughty asses in a real public way spread a little love among all of them, maybe they would all get to be a little nicer.  Here are a list of those I especially want you to give good stuff to, because you won't even have to worry about naughty with this bunch:

Thanks, Santa. you know there are things I left off the list, so feel free to improvise where you think appropriate.

Your buddy,
Conrad, aka The Old Fossil


  1. That’ll almost verbatim the post I was initially going to use with the name is changed to protect innocent course. I changed my mind and went with what’s been posted I was not a happy camper with this topic

  2. Loved the post..humour et al....and thanks for the endorsement...this being nice and good is getting to be a wee bit tiresome! Waiting for the virus villain to be beaten up and the screen showing THE END.

  3. A realistic and humorous letter that I am sure will receive the most sympathetic consideration of Santa Claus. I will send him another letter endorsing your list as being the most desired.


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