The relationship of sales, politics and the truth
Sales and politics have many nuances and definitions, but for the purposes of today's topic, I narrow them to these two definition from Merriam Webster: Sales : the development of a belief in the truth , value, or desirability of: gaining acceptance of. Politics : the art or science concerned with guiding or influencing governmental policy. So, politics is really a specialized, focused type of sales. A politician is a developer of belief in the value or desirability of a governmental policy and a developer of the belief in the truth of his/her supported positions to the public, to his/her constituents. So, that obviously being fair, how could such a system ever go wrong!? The rub comes when the belief in truth isn't actually the full factual truth. If I convince you to buy a used car from me by convincing you to believe that the engine is in perfect condition with at least 100.000 miles left in its life, it does you no good if, after paying a reasonable price for a car...