Doing the wrong thing at the right time

Our work was hard, working with emotionally disturbed children in a residential facility.  It was a particularly bad day at work.  So bad, I won't even discuss it here.  That bad ...

My apartment mate and I decided to meet with a fellow child care worker - that I just happened to be attracted to - at a coffee shop in Berkeley to unravel what had happened.  The bonus would be that this was the first time I had gotten together with her outside work.  I needed this!

She called us at the coffee shop and said a friend of hers going all the way back to Kindergarten was coming early to meet her.  Would it be ok if the four of us just got together at another place, a Mexican restaurant and bar, to just relax and unwind.  We said sure.

So, my friend and I got to the restaurant first.  When the two ladies walked in, I was dazzled!  Not by the lady I was after, the friend with her.  We had a delightful evening of conversation and she was as enjoyable to be with as she was lovely.  Turned out that both my friend and I were quite taken with her as I found out as he talked about her the whole next week!

We had agreed to get the four of us together the next weekend at her apartment and she would make us dinner.  With my friend's attraction, I returned my hopes to my original female focus and we got together.

At one point in our get together, this lovely young lady asked me if I would come out and help her in the kitchen.  That is where she told me she thought I was kind of cute! 😎❤️🍾

40 years and 41 days later we are still together, never parting from that moment on.

My bad aim landed bullseye on the right target!

This topic brought to us by Ramana!  See how the misaimed adventures of my blog mates turned out at:


  1. Great story -I have a similar one - adoubler date to my junior prom my friend Rich and his date Lyn - she and I hit it off and to this date she is one of my best friends - she also was my first real girlfriend. Yours is better because of the great ending and a great fit for this topic

    1. I imagine a lot of guys have similar stories at some point. Young guys usually spend so much time hunting cluelessly!

  2. It was heartwarming to read this account from your own past :) Lovely post, as always!

  3. What an inspiring story Conrad. Congratulations. It was the right thing and at the right time if I may act the grammar teacher.

  4. Better than a Harlequin romance, which I haven't read since I was a teenager!


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